Why many don’t blog?

5 min readAug 30, 2021


blogging nowadays is simple.

we don’t need to know to code, we don’t need web designing, since we have medium, square space, ghost, etc…, we don’t need to worry too much about SEO either, and more than 50% of the population has access to the internet. all we need to do is write, write something interesting, informative, useful. now a day since we have high-speed wifi everywhere, most of the free time we get is either spent on consuming content on youtube videos, movies, or on social media, we are consuming more and creating very little or worst nothing. when we try to create, we actually enjoy the experience, feel more present. and experience growth. happiness comes as a byproduct of side-effect. if you think youtube is too much for you right now, and want to create content on youtube later, then blogging is the best place to start.

The hardest part of blogging

hardest part of blogging is getting started, posting your first blog.

Failing is the way forward

the second hardest part is blogging at least 50–100blogs(it depends on you, if you don’t have a big audience already on other platforms then you have to write a lot of blogs even though they are crappy), that too fast. failing fast¹ allows you to learn fast. I blogged my first 20 blogs on substacks. now I am starting fresh on medium again. (I will tell you why in my future posts)

Quality vs Quantity

The Danger of Aiming for Perfection

On the first day of class, Jerry Uelsmann, a professor at the University of Florida, divided his film, photography students, into two groups.

Everyone on the left side of the classroom, he explained, would be in the “quantity” group². They would be graded solely on the amount of work they produced. On the final day of class, he would tally the number of photos submitted by each student. One hundred photos would rate an A, ninety photos a B, eighty photos a C, and so on.

Meanwhile, everyone on the right side of the room would be in the “quality” group. They would be graded only on the excellence of their work. They would only need to produce one photo during the semester, but to get an A, it had to be a nearly perfect image.

At the end of the term, he was surprised to find that all the best photos were produced by the quantity group. During the semester, these students were busy taking photos, experimenting with composition and lighting, testing out various methods in the darkroom, and learning from their mistakes. In the process of creating hundreds of photos, they honed their skills. Meanwhile, the quality group sat around speculating about perfection. In the end, they had little to show for their efforts other than unverified theories and one mediocre photo.

It is easy to get bogged down trying to find the optimal plan for change: the fastest way to lose weight, the best program to build muscle, the perfect idea for a side hustle. We are so focused on figuring out the best approach that we never get around to taking action. As Voltaire once wrote, “The best is the enemy of the good.”

Start With Repetitions, Not Goals

It’s not just art studios where repetitions matter. Whenever you put in consistent work and learn from your mistakes, incredible progress is the result.

No One Cares

I think many people face problems like “what if my blog posts are crappy”, “what if people think I am an idiot”. to be honest, no one cares, when you start blogging only 5–6 people might read your blog. but slowly and steadily audience will improve. at first, not many people might read your blog post, 1000s of words might go unread, but at first, consistency is the key. keep on posting.

many of my friends instead appreciated me because I started blogging.

In the beginning, there is basically no difference between making a choice that is 1 percent better or 1 percent worse. (In other words, it won’t impact you very much today.) But as time goes on, these small improvements or declines compound and you suddenly find a very big gap between people who make slightly better decisions on a daily basis and those who don’t.

Here’s the punchline:

If you get one percent better each day for one year, you’ll end up thirty-seven times better by the time you’re done.

The solution is to write FBR.

FBR stands for Fast, Bad, Wrong.

Write fast, write bad, and write wrong. Terrible style, terrible grammar, terrible word choice, wrong facts, and that liberates you. That liberates you to follow the narrative thread and just keep going³ and going with it. And don’t stop and backtrack, because every time you stop, it’s like a car going down the highway — it’s easy to stop, but then you have to spend all this fuel to get back up to speed, and you might not get there. You discover that start writing, and start pulling on that narrative thread, it’s really surprising where it goes. But only if you go fast. Not if you go slow.

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Written by Devakinandan

"I like to give more value to my readers than I receive""

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